Results for 'Christiane E. Seidel'

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  1. Je eigen persoon zijn: Een reactie op Lynne Rudder Bakers' On being one's own person'.Christiane E. Seidel - 2005 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 97 (4):292-296.
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  2. Two Problems with the Socio-Relational Critique of Distributive Egalitarianism.Christian Seidel - 2013 - In Miguel Hoeltje, Thomas Spitzley & Wolfgang Spohn (eds.), Was dürfen wir glauben? Was sollen wir tun? Sektionsbeiträge des achten internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie e.V. DuEPublico. pp. 525-535.
    Distributive egalitarians believe that distributive justice is to be explained by the idea of distributive equality (DE) and that DE is of intrinsic value. The socio-relational critique argues that distributive egalitarianism does not account for the “true” value of equality, which rather lies in the idea of “equality as a substantive social value” (ESV). This paper examines the socio-relational critique and argues that it fails because – contrary to what the critique presupposes –, first, ESV is not conceptually distinct from (...)
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    Two Problems with the Socio-Relational Critique of Distributive Egalitarianism.Christian Seidel - 2013 - In Miguel Hoeltje, Thomas Spitzley & Wolfgang Spohn (eds.), Was dürfen wir glauben? Was sollen wir tun? Sektionsbeiträge des achten internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie e.V. DuEPublico. pp. 525--535.
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    Temporal Dynamics of Emotional Processing in the Brain.Christian E. Waugh, Elaine Z. Shing & Brad M. Avery - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (4):323-329.
    Emotion theorists have long held that a fundamental characteristic of an emotion is how its constituent processes change and interact over time. Assessing these temporal dynamics of emotion in the brain is critical for understanding the neural representation of emotions as well as advancing theories of emotional processing. We review the neuroimaging research on three temporal dynamic features of emotion: time of onset, duration, and resurgence and show how assessing these temporal dynamics in the brain have led to improved understanding (...)
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    Timing: A missing key ingredient in typical fMRI studies of emotion.Christian E. Waugh & James A. Schirillo - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (3):170-171.
    Lindquist et al. provide a compelling summary of the brain bases of the onset of emotion. Their conclusions, however, are constrained by typical fMRI techniques that do not assess a key ingredient in emotional experience – timing. We discuss the importance of timing in theories of emotion as well as the implications of neural temporal dynamics for psychological constructionism.
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    Philipp Schink : Freiheit. Zeitgenössische Texte zu einer philosophischen Kontroverse.Christian E. W. Kremser - 2018 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 71 (3):290-295.
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    Christoph Asmuth/Burkhard Non-nenmacher/Nele Schneidereit : Texte zur Theorie des Geldes.Christian E. W. Kremser - 2018 - Philosophische Rundschau 65 (2):169-171.
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    Beyond Faith and Reason: The Consequences of Alasdair Maclntyre's Conception of Tradition-Constituted Rationality for Philosophy of Religion.Christian E. Early - 2002 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 19 (2):151-151.
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  9. Friedrich August von Hayek's draft biography of Ludwig Wittgenstein: the text and its history.Christian E. Erbacher, Allan Janik & Friedrich A. von Hayek (eds.) - 2019 - Paderborn: Mentis.
    Every student of the twentieth century has heard both of the great Viennese economist Friedrich von Hayek and of the equally great philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. But what isn't well known is that the two were distant cousins and that, shortly after Wittgenstein's death in 1951, Hayek set out to write a biography of his cousin. The project was derailed by Wittgenstein family members, who felt it was to soon to publish such a work - especially one like Hayek's, so candid (...)
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    Formen des Klärens: literarisch-philosophische Darstellungsmittel in Wittgensteins Schriften.Christian E. Erbacher - 2015 - Münster: Mentis.
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    Bridging the Political Gaps.Christian E. Roques - 2018 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 13 (1):51-74.
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    Without Empire: The Invitation of Pacifism and the ‘End’ of History.Christian E. Early - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (2):148-159.
    This article argues that theological pacifism is best evaluated when situated in a network of practices, beliefs and biblical reading strategies that support a critique of Empire, and when mapped onto this world open up a space for living that is non-territorial and non-sacrificial, the grammar of which is governed by a political understanding of love.
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    Singing Alexandria: Music between Practice and Textual Transmission.E. Christian - 2008 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (1):82-83.
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    Comparing the affective and social effects of positive reappraisal and minimising reappraisal.Yitong Zhao, Christian E. Waugh, Lara Kammrath & Qing Wang - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (3):433-451.
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  15. Inhibition, local excitatory interactions and synchronization of epileptiform activity in hippocampal slices.F. E. Dudek & E. P. Christian - 1987 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (4):619-633.
  16.  36
    Internally and externally generated emotions in people with acquired brain injury: preservation of emotional experience after right hemisphere lesions.Christian E. Salas Riquelme, Darinka Radovic, Osvaldo Castro & Oliver H. Turnbull - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:121484.
    The study of emotional changes after brain injury has contributed enormously to the understanding of the neural basis of emotion. However, little attention has been placed on the methods used to elicit emotional responses in people with brain damage. Of particular interest are subjects with right hemisphere [RH] cortical lesions, who have been described as presenting impairment in emotional processing. In this article, an internal and external mood induction procedure [MIP] was used to trigger positive and negative emotions, in a (...)
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    Smile to see the forest: Facially expressed positive emotions broaden cognition.Kareem J. Johnson, Christian E. Waugh & Barbara L. Fredrickson - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (2):299-321.
  18. Monade und Begriff. Der Weg von Leibniz zu Hegel.Joachim Christian Horn & E. Heintel - 1971 - Studia Leibnitiana 3 (3):229-231.
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    Moralischer Intuitionismus.Christian Seidel - 2023 - In Frauke Höntzsch (ed.), Mill-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 63-77.
    Es ist ein Gemeinplatz, dass die Auseinandersetzung mit dem moralischen Intuitionismus ein Leitmotiv in Mills Werk ist und ihm persönlich viel bedeutete. So ist z. B. der Autobiography zu entnehmen, dass Mill im Intuitionismus seiner Zeit eine Hauptwurzel für gesellschaftliche Übel, schlechte Institutionen und vorurteilsbeladene Praktiken, kurzum ein großes Fortschrittshindernis sah, dem er mit seinem Werk (v. a. auch den theoretischeren Schriften A System of Logic und An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy) den Nährboden entziehen wollte. Demnach hatte Mill (...)
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    Does leadership promote cooperation in international climate change mitigation policy?Christian Seidel & Ulrike Saul - 2011 - Climate Policy 2 (11):901-921.
  21.  14
    Tuning in to Toddlers: Research Protocol and Recruitment for Evaluation of an Emotion Socialization Program for Parents of Toddlers.Sophie S. Havighurst, Christiane E. Kehoe, Ann E. Harley, Ameika M. Johnson, Nicholas B. Allen & Rae L. Thomas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Personale Autonomie als praktische Autorität.Christian Seidel - 2011 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59 (6):897-915.
    Autonomy and authority are often regarded as opposites. In this paper, I argue that autonomy should be conceived of as a specific form of (practical) authority and that this perspective is useful for identifying the conditions of personal autonomy. I will first highlight some structural analogies in the functioning of the concepts "autonomy" and "authority" and explain the resulting constraints on accounts of personal autonomy. I will then show that the problems of certain internalist and externalist accounts of autonomy are (...)
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  23. The Costs of Moralizing: How about a 'Government House Climate Ethics'.Christian Seidel - 2016 - In Clare Heyward & Dominic Roser (eds.), Climate Justice in a Non-Ideal World. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 277-295.
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    Suppression of EEG gamma activity may cause the attentional blink.Jürgen Fell, Peter Klaver, Christian E. Elger & Guillén Fernández - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (1):114-122.
    The attentional blink (AB) is an impairment of attention, which occurs when subjects have to report a target stimulus (T2) following a previous target (T1) with a short delay (up to 600 ms). Theories explaining the AB assume that processing of T2 is more vulnerable to decay or substitution, as long as attention is allocated to T1. Existing models of the AB, however, do not account for the fact that T2 detection accuracy reaches the minimum when T2 is presented after (...)
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  25.  54
    Consciousness as a social construction.Martin Kurthen, Thomas Grunwald & Christian E. Elger - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):197-199.
    If the explanatory gap between phenomenal consciousness () and the brain cannot be closed by current naturalistic theories of mind, one might instead try to dissolve the explanatory gap problem. We hold that such a dissolution can start from the notion of consciousness as a social construction. In his target article, however, Block (1995) argues that the thesis that consciousness is a social construction is trivially false if it is construed to be about phenomenal consciousness. He ridicules the idea that (...)
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    Zwei (mal zwei) Perspektiven in der Zukunftsethik. Kommentar zu Was schulden wir künftigen Generationen?.Christian Seidel - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 73 (1):138-143.
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    The Philosophical Biography of the Utilitarian Tradition: Is Sidgwick a Point of Culmination?Christian Seidel - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (1):124-140.
  28. Psychisch anders? Überlegungen zu Personsein und Identität.Christian Seidel & Florian Steger - 2007 - In Florian Steger (ed.), Was Ist Krank?: Stigmatisierung Und Diskriminierung in Medizin Und Psychotherapie. Psychosozial Verlag. pp. 31-48.
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    Kritik des Moralismus.Christian Seidel & Christian Neuhäuser (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin, Deutschland: Suhrkamp.
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    Selbst bestimmen. Eine philosophische Untersuchung personaler Autonomie.Christian Seidel - 2016 - Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
    What is it for a person to be autonomous? Starting with a philosophical puzzle about personal autonomy and by way of critically discussing contemporary accounts, this monograph argues that AUTONOMY is a thick normative concept – the concept of a certain kind of practical authority. It then develops a conception of autonomy which solves the puzzle and offers an adequate understanding of what it means to determine oneself.
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    Teaching Ethical Reasoning.G. Fletcher Linder, Allison J. Ames, William J. Hawk, Lori K. Pyle, Keston H. Fulcher & Christian E. Early - 2019 - Teaching Ethics 19 (2):147-170.
    This article presents evidence supporting the claim that ethical reasoning is a skill that can be taught and assessed. We propose a working definition of ethical reasoning as 1) the ability to identify, analyze, and weigh moral aspects of a particular situation, and 2) to make decisions that are informed and warranted by the moral investigation. The evidence consists of a description of an ethical reasoning education program—Ethical Reasoning in Action —designed to increase ethical reasoning skills in a variety of (...)
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  32. Die gute Ethikerin und der Platz der Moral. Zwischen Moralismus und Willensschwäche im Lebenswandel.Christian Seidel - 2011 - In Christoph Ammann, Barbara Bleisch & Anna Goppel (eds.), Mã¼ssen Ethiker Moralisch Sein? Essays über Philosophie Und Lebensfã¼hrung. Frankfurt: Campus. pp. 85-100.
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    1. Die philosophische Aufgabe.Christian Seidel - 2016 - In Selbst bestimmen. Eine philosophische Untersuchung personaler Autonomie. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 11-37.
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    Personenregister.Christian Seidel - 2016 - In Selbst bestimmen. Eine philosophische Untersuchung personaler Autonomie. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 341-344.
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  35. Empfängnisverhütung.Christian Seidel & Florian Steger - 2005 - In Florian Steger & Bettina von Jagow (eds.), Literatur und Medizin. Ein Lexikon. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. pp. 190-195.
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  36. Kommentierte Auswahlbibliographie.Christian Seidel - 2013 - In Monika Betzler (ed.), Autonomie de Person. Mentis. pp. 221-226.
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  37. Kritik des Moralismus. Eine Landkarte zur Einleitung.Christian Seidel - 2020 - In Christian Seidel & Christian Neuhäuser (eds.), Kritik des Moralismus. Berlin, Deutschland: Suhrkamp. pp. 9-34.
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  38. New Wave Consequentialism: An Introduction.Christian Seidel - 2018 - In Consequentialism: New Directions, New Problems. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-28.
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    Je eigen persoon zijn.Christiane Seidel - 2005 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 4.
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    Sachregister.Christian Seidel - 2016 - In Selbst bestimmen. Eine philosophische Untersuchung personaler Autonomie. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 345-352.
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    Contralesional White Matter Alterations in Patients After Hemispherotomy.Jennifer Gaubatz, Conrad C. Prillwitz, Leon Ernst, Bastian David, Christian Hoppe, Elke Hattingen, Bernd Weber, Hartmut Vatter, Rainer Surges, Christian E. Elger & Theodor Rüber - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  42. Selbst bestimmen. Eine philosophische Untersuchung.Christian Seidel - 2010 - Dissertation, University of Bern
  43.  16
    Feasibility, normative heuristics and the proper place of historical responsibility – a reply to Ohndorf et al.Christian Seidel & Fabian Schuppert - 2017 - Climate Change 2 (140):101-107.
    In this comment, we pick up three points raised by Ohndorf et al. (Clim Chang 133:385–395, 2015) in their reply to our ethical assessment of the German Advisory Council’s Budget Approach (WBGUBA). First, we discuss and clarify the relationship between ethics and political feasibility, highlighting that the way Ohndorf et al. use feasibility creates an unwarranted status quo bias. Second, we explain the proper place historical responsibility should have within the WBGUBA, stressing the fact that the reasons why we choose (...)
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    On 'imperfect' imperfect duties and the epistemic demands of integrationist approaches to justice.Christian Seidel - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (1):39-42.
    Christian Baatz claims that individuals have an imperfect duty to reduce emissions as far as can reasonably be demanded of them. His ‘epistemic’ argument roughly runs like this:(P1...
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    Klimawandel, globale Gerechtigkeit und die Ethik globaler öffentlicher Güter: einige grundlegende begriffliche Fragen.Christian Seidel - 2012 - In Matthias Maring (ed.), Globale öFfentliche Gã¼ter in Interdisziplinã¤Ren Perspektiven. Kit Scientific Publishing. pp. 179-195.
  46. Introduction: The Philosophy of Expertise—What is Expertise?Christian Quast & Markus Seidel - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):1-2.
    In this paper I will introduce a practical explication for the notion of expertise. At first, I motivate this attempt by taking a look on recent debates which display great disagreement about whether and how to define expertise in the first place. After that I will introduce the methodology of practical explications in the spirit of Edward Craig’s Knowledge and the state of nature along with some conditions of adequacy taken from ordinary and scientific language. This eventually culminates in the (...)
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    Effects of incidental positive emotion and cognitive reappraisal on affective responses to negative stimuli.Yu Song, Jessica I. Jordan, Kelsey A. Shaffer, Erik K. Wing, Kateri McRae & Christian E. Waugh - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1155-1168.
    ABSTRACTPrevious studies have identified two powerful ways to regulate emotional responses to a stressor: experiencing incidental positive emotions and using cognitive reappraisal to reframe the stressor. Several cognitive and motivational theories of positive emotion support the formulation that incidental positive emotions may facilitate cognitive reappraisal. To test the separate and interacting effects of positive emotions and cognitive reappraisal, we first adapted an established picture-based reappraisal paradigm by interspersing blocks of positive emotion inducing and neutral pictures. Across two pre-registered studies, reappraisal (...)
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  48. The problem of content in embodied memory.Martin Kurthen, Thomas Grunwald, Christoph Helmstaedter & Christian E. Elger - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):641-642.
    An action-oriented theory of embodied memory is favorable for many reasons, but it will not provide a quick yet clean solution to the grounding problem in the way Glenberg (1997t) envisages. Although structural mapping via analogical representations may be an adequate mechanism of cognitive representation, it will not suffice to explain representation as such.
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    Autonomie und prozedurale Unabhängigkeit: Eine Verhältnisbestimmung anhand der Debatte um Menschenwürde.Christian Seidel - 2012 - In Elisabeth Nemeth (ed.), Crossing Borders: Thinking (Across) Boundaries. University of Vienna, pp. 151-61. pp. 619--629.
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    Autonomie und prozedurale Unabhängigkeit: eine Verhältnisbestimmung anhand der Debatte um Menschenwürde.Christian Seidel - 2012 - In Elisabeth Nemeth (ed.), Crossing Borders: Thinking (Across) Boundaries. University of Vienna, pp. 151-61. pp. 619-629.
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